Writing Portfolio
A Collection of Original Works by Jenni Lincoln
Madwoman Writings
Creating Community
Donuts Make a Difference - (1995) I wrote this essay while an undergraduate at Gordon College, nearly fifteen years ago. I came across it recently while cleaning out our storage unit and was struck by the message it still conveys. It offered me a reminder of why and how women form communities. It's not about changing the world or being recognized as significant. It's about fostering significant connections across our ordinary (even invisible) lives. The world is changed by the changes in our lives and the bonds we form.
Peace & Social Justice
"Support the Troops, Oppose the War" - (2005)
Ecological Sustainability: What and So What? - (2005) My graduate program had a number of required courses, including Ecological Sustainability. We had two primary writing assignments for this class and this is the first. This assignment came at the start of the class to assess what we understood about the subject prior to study.
Sometimes some things can only be expressed in lines of poetry.