Welcome to the Madwoman's house
The Big Room
What were you taught about who or what God is?
Who taught you and how?
What do you still claim, honor, and appreciate from these beginnings?
Through the Walls
When did you start suspecting that God might be different than you were taught?
What else and who else is God for you now?
How has this process felt?
Under the Stairs
Who are your encouragers & guides, challengers & detractors?
What influence do these relationships have on your journey? and on your perception of God?
What role has gender played in your relationship with God?
Laundry Room
What risks have you taken to pursue this new sense of who God is? What have been the results?
What are you still curious about?
What feels "too far" for you right now? Why?
On the Landing
Where do you find support, respite, & good company in this journey?
What are you grateful for & how do you express your gratitude?
What about God captures your imagination, attention, & heart?
How will you pursue that?
Hidden Staircase
When have you experienced darkness, isolation, & doubt in your process to know God?
What does that time mean to you now?
Where is God when you are in darkness?
What would you offer to another woman as she walked in darkness?
Light on the Threshold
What gives you hope & encouragement in your journey to know God?
Do you feel distance from God?
What do you want in a relationship with God?
Who else is part of this relationship?
A Hand on the Door Knob
What have you found?
How do you feel?
Given your new understanding, what's next?
What was your experience of the MADWOMAN's house? If you want to talk about any of the rooms above or where you're headed next, I always love to chat about this stuff. Email me at: [email protected]